Franklin County Senior Options

Franklin County Senior Options helps Franklin County residents age 60+ maintain their independence. Click here for more information, and call (614) 525-6200 to access a variety of services for seniors, including home-delivered meals, personal care, respite care, adult daycare, medical transportation, and minor home repairs.

Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging

COAAA provides case management for a number of long-term care services that give you choice and dignity to live independently in your own home. Whether you need personal care services, homemaking, transportation, or home delivered meals COAAA can coordinate a care plan to meet your specific needs. Individuals must meet certain requirements to be eligible for these service programs. To learn more, call 1-800-589-7277 or complete a request form here. More details on specific programs are listed here.

Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities

Ohio’s Department of Developmental Disabilities is committed to improving the quality of life for Ohioans with developmental disabilities and their families. Click here to search for providers, find employment assistance, and other resources.

LifeCare Alliance

LifeCare Alliance provides a comprehensive array of health and nutrition services to older adults and individuals living with a medical challenge or disability in central Ohio—working to keep them safe, independent, and in their own homes. Programs include Meals-on-Wheels, Senior Dining Centers, Wellness Centers, Help-at-Home, Visiting Nurses, Columbus Cancer Clinic, Project OpenHand-Columbus, IMPACT Safety, Senior PetCare, and more.